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Cadastral map in raster form published through e-shop

Product information
NameCadastral map in raster form published through e-shop
Commercial code62250
Export unitmap sheet
Unit price150 CZK for an export unit.
Export formatscit
Coordinate systemsETRS89, S-JTSK / Krovak East North
Product descriptionDataset for providing analogue form of the cadastral map. Scanned cadastral maps (raster files in CIT format) are charged. To the 2024-08-19, analogue map covers 1.03 % of the Czech territory, i.e. 814.69km2. More in the Cadastral Act No. 256/2013 Coll., Cadastral Decree No. 357/2013 Coll., Cadastral Decree on Data Provision No. 357/2013 Coll., as amended.
Update cycle - update state Pre-defined files are generated from a database, that is updated monthly.
Conditions applying to access and useAccording to Regulation No 358/2013 Sb.
View data Web map application
Data download
Contact - product informationCzech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, e-mail:
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