Geoportal ČÚZK
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Coordinate Reference Systems

Geographical Grid Systems

Geographical Names

Administrative Units


Cadastral Parcels

Transport Networks



Land Use




Transport networks

Definition: Road networks (including cycle lanes), rail, air and water transport networks and related infrastructure. They include links between individual transport networks. They include trans-European transport network defined by EC legislative as well.

The information shall be provided using these groups (application schemas) of objects:

  • Common Transport Elements with object types: AccessRestriction, ConditionOfFacility, MaintenanceAuthority, MarkerPost, OwnerAuthority, RestrictionForVehicles, TrafficFlowDirection, TransportNetwork and VerticalPosition.
  • Air Transport Network with object types: AerodromeArea, AerodromeCategory, AerodromeNode, AerodromeType, AirLinkSequence, AirRoute, AirRouteLink, AirspaceArea, ApronArea, ConditionOfAirFacility, DesignatedPoint, ElementLength, ElementWidth, FieldElevation, InstrumentApproachProcedure, LowerAltitudeLimit, Navaid, ProcedureLink, RunwayArea, RunwayCentrelinePoint, StandardInstrumentArrival, StandardInstrumentDeparture, SurfaceComposition, TaxiwayArea, TouchDownLiftOff, UpperAltitudeLimit and UseRestriction.
  • Cable Transport Network with spatial object types: CablewayLink, CablewayLinkSequence, CablewayLinkSet and CablewayNode.
  • Railway Transport Network with object types: DesignSpeed, NominalTrackGauge, NumberOfTracks, RailwayArea, RailwayElectrification, RailwayLine, RailwayLink, RailwayLinkSequence, RailwayNode, RailwayStationArea, RailwayStationCode, RailwayStationNode, RailwayType, RailwayUse, RailwayYardArea and RailwayYardNode.
  • Road Transport Network with object types: ERoad, FormOfWay, FunctionalRoadClass, NumberOfLanes, Road, RoadArea, RoadLink, RoadLinkSequence, RoadName, RoadNode, RoadServiceArea, RoadServiceType, RoadSurfaceCategory, Road Width, SpeedLimit and VehicleTrafficArea.
  • Water Transport Network with object types: Beacon, Buoy, CEMT Class, ConditionOfWaterFacility, FairwayArea, FerryCrossing, FerryUse, InlandWaterway, MarineWaterway, PortArea, PortNode, RestrictionForWaterVehicles, TrafficSeparationSchemeCrossing, TrafficSeparationSchemeLane, TrafficSeparationSchemeRoundabout, TrafficSeparationSchemeSeparator, WaterLinkSequence, WaterTrafficFlowDirection, WaterwayLink and WaterwayNode.

Data in the ČÚZK Domain

The ČÚZK domain provides the data for the theme Transport networks harmonised according to INSPIRE data specification as view service, pre-defined file data in GML 3.2.1 format and furthermore using the download servicescompliant with INSPIRE technical guideline for network services. They are provided all types of objects having the geometry within the INSPIRE specifications and are included in the source set ZABAGED®.

Last update: 27.6.2018
Last revision:
Author: 95