Geoportal ČÚZK
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INSPIRE Coordinate Transformation Service

ČÚZK provides on-line coordinate transformation service in the form of WCTS (Web Coordinate Transformation Service) according to the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) Standard version 0.4.0.

The service allready also fulfils the INSPIRE specification - it is adjusted according to the document Technical Guidance for the INSPIRE Coordinate Transformation Service v. 2.1.

The service enables to transform digital geospatial data between coordinate reference systems S-JTSK, S-JTSK/05, ETRS89 and WGS 84 including transformation of elevations between systems ETRS89 (GRS80), Bpv and WGS 84. The service also enables transformations between coordinate reference systems specified by the INSPIRE Directive: ETRS89-LAEA, ETRS89-LCC, ETRS89-TM33 and ETRS89-TM34, including transformation of elevations in the EVRS system, and also between coordinate reference systems WGS 84 / UTM 33, WGS 84 / UTM 34 and WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator.

CUZK incorporated the transformation module ETJTZU 2019 into this service, version 2019-10-01 authorized by Czech Office for Mapping, Surveying and Cadaster for transformations between ETRS89 and S-JTSK for the data measured by GNSS since January 1, 2018.

RMSE of transformation in the position between S-JTSK and ETRS89 (ETRF2000) when using this service reaches value: mp = 0.036 m.

RMSE of transformation in the position between ETRS89 (ETRF2000) and WGS 84 (G873) when using this service reaches value: mp = 0.019 m.

Provided operations and the list of coordinate systems for that the transformations provided are specified in properties of the service (GetCapabilities). The service may be used independently or as a part of other services and applications.

The service is published at the ČÚZK Geoportal and provides following operations:

  • GetCapabilities - this operation enables the client to demand and obtain services of metadata.
  • Transform - this operation enables the client to demand and obtain the transformation.
  • IsTransformable - this operation enables the client to ask the server, whether it is possible to perform the transformation.
The service client - application Coordinates Transformation is available at the Geoportal ČÚZK.

The service is provided free-of-charge and without a need of registration.

The Land Surveying Office also provides, upon request, the ETJTZÚ Transformation Program intended for the Windows operating system, or the computing module of this program ETJTZÚDL Transformation Library in DLL format intended for the Windows operating system, or the operating system Linux, based on this request. The mentioned digital products are subject to a fee as stated in the ČÚZK Decree No. 31/1995, which implements Act No. 200/1994 Coll., on surveying and on the amendment and addition of certain laws related to its introduction, and at the same time specified in Principles of using data and services of the Land Surveying Office.

Last update: 19.12.2024
Last revision:
Author: 95