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Distributed by cadastral units (zonings) in the VFK format

Distributed by cadastral units (zonings) in the VKM format

Distributed by cadastral units (zonings) in the DGN format

Distributed by cadastral units (zonings) in the SHP format

Distributed by cadastral units (zonings) in the DXF format

Raster form published through e-shop


Cadastral map in DGN and DXF formats published through e-shop

Product information
NameCadastral map in DGN and DXF formats published through e-shop
Commercial code62273
Export unit
Unit priceNo fees
Export formatsDGN, DXF
Coordinate systemsETRS89, S-JTSK / Krovak East North
Product descriptionCadastral map is a binding state map series of large scale. Its contents are points of minor horizontal geodetic control, planimetry and map lettering. Vector cadastral map is provided for free in DGN and DXF format. It contains features from Digital cadastral map (DKM) and Digitized cadastral map (KMD), which are geodetic point fields, buildings, boundaries of parcels, cadastral boundaries, cadastral parcels, features of orientation map, boundaries of easements and other features of a map. According to the usage of DGN format, there are no symbols on the lines and arcs are substituted by polylines. To the 2024-08-19, vector map covers 99.09% of the Czech territory, i.e. 78 150.16km2. More: Cadastral Notice No. 357/2013 Sb. as amended.
Update cycle - update state Pre-defined files are generated from a database, that is updated monthly.
Conditions applying to access and use
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License
Public access is not rescticted and is provided in accordance with Decree No. 359/2011 Coll., on the register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates and law 123/1998 Sb., on the right to information about the environment.
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Contact - product informationCzech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, e-mail:
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