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Cadastre of the Czech Republic Summarization Documents


Cadastre of the Czech Republic Summarization Documents

Product information
NameCadastre of the Czech Republic Summarization Documents
Commercial code63279
Export unit1 item
Unit priceAccording to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
Export formatsTISK
Coordinate systems
Product descriptionCadastre of the Czech Republic Summarization Documents are issued once a year, with the state of the data at 31st December of the previous year. It is a summary of total values of nature of land use according to the the Cadastre of real estates data for particular regions and districts. The data are divided into three groups. The first group, " Cadastre Summarization Documents ", informs about status and development of land fund of the Czech Republic, ie changes in nature of land use, the development of particular nature of land use since 1966, the increases and decreases of an arable land, the area of and arable land per inhabitant, etc. The second group "The number of objects registered in Cadastre of real estates" traces the development (increase / decrease) in the number of objects registered in Cadastre of real estates in the previous year and for the period since 2004. The third group "Data on entries of legal relations to real estates, recordings of legal relations to real estates and notes of rights to real estates" reports in tables and graphs on the number of registrations of rights to the Cadastre of real estates by entry of legal relations to real estates and by recording of legal relations to real estates and futher reports on the number of entries in the Cadastre of real estates by note of rights to real estates in particular regions.
Update cycle - update state Cadastre of the Czech Republic Summarization Documents are issued once a year, with the state of the data at 31st December of the previous year.
Conditions applying to access and useAccording to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
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Contact - product informationCzech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, e-mail:
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