ZABAGED® - altimetry - introduction
Altimetry data of the Land Survey Office provide information about altimetry situation of the terrain relief or surface (incl. buildings and vegetation) of the Czech Republic, respectively. Recently Land Survey Office administers several altimetry data sets of different level of detail and accuracy of the altimetry.
The ZABAGED® - altimetry 3D contour lines consists of 3 types of contour objects with a basic interval of 5, 2 or 1 m, depending on the nature of terrain, and the selected terrain edges. Objects are represented by a tree dimensional vector spatial component. The accuracy of the contour lines height depends on the slope and the terrain roughness. It reaches 0.7 - 1.5 m in an open terrain, 1-2 m in settlements and 2-5 m in a forested terrain.
View Data ZABAGED® - altimetry 3D contour lines
The ZABAGED® - altimetry grid 10 x 10 m is a digital terrain model in the form of a regular grid (10 x 10 m) of three dimensional (3D) points, which is derived from the contours and terrain edges of ZABAGED®.
The accuracy of the height of individual altimetric points is similar as for the source contours, i.e. 0.7 - 1.5 m in an open terrain, 1-2 m in settlements and 2-5 m in a forested terrain.
Digital Terrain Model of the Czech Republic of the 4th generation (DMR 4G) represents the image of natural or man-modelled terrain in digital form as heights of discrete points in a regular grid (5 x 5 m) with total mean error of the height 0.3 m in an open terrain and 1 m in a forested terrain.
View Data DMR 4G
Digital Terrain Model of the Czech Republic of the 5th generation (DMR 5G) represents the image of natural or man-modelled terrain in digital form as heights of discrete points in a triangulated irregular network (TIN) with total mean error of the height 0.18 m in an open terrain and 0.3 m in a forested terrain.
View Data DMR 5G
Digital Surface Model of the Czech Republic of the 1st generation (DMP 1G) represents the image of the area including buildings and vegetation as triangulated irregular network (TIN) of height points with total mean error of the height 0.4 m for precisely limited features (buildings) and 0.7 m for features without precise shape (forests and other vegetation features).
View Data DMP 1G
INSPIRE dataset - Elevation (EL) represents the digital Digital Terrain Model of the Czech Republic – 4th generation (DMR 4G) in the form according to the relevant INSPIRE Directive.
View Data INSPIRE – EL
The ZABAGED® - altimetry 3D contour lines data are available using viewing service ZABAGED®, on which you can find information in the Web Services section. Viewing services can be exploited free in all applications (clients). The map window at introduction page of Application section at the CUZK Geoportal or Geoviewer client can be exploited to display them.
The ZABAGED® - altimetry 3D contour lines data are available using viewing service ZABAGED®. DMR 4G, DMR 5G and DMP 1G are available using WMS (Hill Shaded Terrain Model) and using ArcGIS IMAGE services. Services can be exploited free in all applications (clients). At the CUZK Geoportal, the Geoviewer client can be exploited to display WMS, the application Terrain analysis can be exploited to use IMAGE services.
To order the data you can exploit the e-shop.
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