Feature category: 2. Transport infrastructure
Feature type:
(with ordinal number)
Feature type code: aq040
Feature definition:

Bridge feature (or part of it) with a horizontal clearance greater than 2 m, used to transfer traffic routes. Bridges are also considered to be elevated roads for guiding road or rail vehicles.
Geometric determination of the feature: line
Positional accuracy: mp = 1,0 m
Geometric data source:
aerial survey photos, orthophoto, LLS, field recognition
Descriptive data source:
ŘSD ČR, SDB, Geonames
A t t r i b u t e s :
Attribute name Data type Attribute subject Attribute values Code list
SILNICE VARCHAR2(8) designation of registered transport route axxxxxbc
see objekt 2.01 atribut SILNICE
IDENT_OBJ VARCHAR2(14) number of the building feature on road, motorway
xxxxxx ... designation of registered transport route
_ ... space
- ... minus
zzz ... serial number of feature on the transport route
k ... registration of additional features (letter or space)
l ... registration of features in complex crossing (numeral or space)
m ... feature location relatively to directionally divided transport route body (values 1, 2, 3)
1,2 ... for directionally dividing
3 ... commonly for both divided parts
(indexes can be two simultaneously only, if 1st and 2nd index is not used, space will be introduced)
KOD_ZELEZ VARCHAR2(6) designation of the track and definition section of the railway xxxxyy
see objekt 2.17 atribut KOD_ZELEZ
object of bridging C_PREMOST
DELKA_PREM NUMBER(6,2) bridge length in metres to two decimal places
-1 ... length not found out
CELK_SIR_M NUMBER(6,2) total width of the bridge in metres to two decimal places
-1 ... width not found out
NORM_ZATIZ NUMBER(3) normal load capacity in tonnes
-1 ... carrying capacity not found out
material of the supporting structure C_MATERIAL
V_M_N_TER NUMBER(5,2) height of the bridge over the terrain in metres to two decimal places
-1 ... height not found out
URL VARCHAR2(256) URL link that allows to display directly information about the feature kept by the ŘSD ČR
JMENO VARCHAR2(100) name transferred from Geonames
FID_ZBG VARCHAR2(40) unique feature identifier in ZABAGED®
S i z e   r e s t r i c t i o n s :
horizontal clearance > 2 m
E x a m p l e s :
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration; photo: ZÚ archives
F e a t u r e   h i s t o r y :
2023-01-01: A (footbridge) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2023-01-01: E (road class II) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2023-01-01: F (road class III) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2023-01-01: I (road class I) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2017-11-01: C (watercourse+bio corridor) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2017-11-01: G (watercourse+local transport route) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2017-11-01: H (watercourse+railway+road) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2017-11-01: T (tram track) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2017-11-01: U (tram track+road) - value added to the code list C_PREMOST
2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100))
2016-04-01: PREDM_PREM - attribute canceled at the feature
2016-04-01: C_PREMOST_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PREMOST u objektu
2016-04-01: C_PREMOST_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_PREMOST u objektu
2016-04-01: P_MAT_NK1 - attribute canceled at the feature
2016-04-01: C_MATERIAL_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_MATERIAL
2016-04-01: C_MATERIAL_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_MATERIAL
Extended web version updated to : 02.07.2024
Contact : Content: Milada Javůrková | e-mail: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 699 | Technical Solution: Antonín Bačo | e-mail: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 677