Feature category: 4. Waters
Feature type:
(with ordinal number)
Feature type code: bh080 (NF120)
Feature definition:

A water formation created by accumulation of water in an artificial space or natural depression on the earth's surface, in which the outflow of water from a river basin is delayed or slowed down. This includes an artificial or natural water reservoir and a watercourse wider than 4 m.
Geometric determination of the feature: area centroid, (area)
Positional accuracy: mp = 2,0 m
Geometric data source:
aerial survey photos, orthophoto, field recognition, VÚV TGM
Descriptive data source: field recognition, Geonames
A t t r i b u t e s :
Attribute name Data type Attribute subject Attribute values Code list
STOJVODA VARCHAR2(3) stagnant water C_ANONE
type of water surface C_TYP_VP
JMENO VARCHAR2(100) name transferred from Geonames
FID_ZBG VARCHAR2(40) unique feature identifier in ZABAGED®
S i z e   r e s t r i c t i o n s :
area ≥ 70 m2
E x a m p l e s :
Feature illustration - stagnant water = YES (code A); photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - stagnant water = NO (code N) - surface of a watercourse wider than 4 m; photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - swimming pool (code 06); photo: ZÚ archives
Feature illustration - other water area (code 09); photo: ZÚ archives
F e a t u r e   h i s t o r y :
2024-01-01: 10 (unspecified water area) - value canceled in code list C_TYP_VP
2020-03-01: TYP_VP_K - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_VP
2020-03-01: TYP_VP_P - attribute added to the feature along with the code list C_TYP_VP
2016-04-01: JMENO - attribute data type changed (VARCHAR2(80) -> VARCHAR2(100))
Extended web version updated to : 22.01.2024
Contact : Content: Milada Javůrková | e-mail: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 699 | Technical Solution: Antonín Bačo | e-mail: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 677