Feature category : 2. Transport infrastructure
Feature type :
(with ordinal number and code)
2.13 FERRY (aq080)
Attribute name: SILNICE
Attribute description:

Designation of registered transport route on which the feature is located. If the value is not filled in, the feature is on an unregistered or another type of transport route.
Attribute subject: designation of registered transport route
Data type: VARCHAR2(8)
Code list:
Data source:
Original name of attribute: NAZEVSILNICE
H i s t o r y :
Extended web version updated to : 22.01.2024
Contact : Content: Milada Javůrková | e-mail: Milada.Javurkova@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 699 | Technical Solution: Antonín Bačo | e-mail: Antonin.Baco@cuzk.cz | Phone: +420 284 041 677